Biophytum reinwardtii

Biophytum reinwardtii Biophytum reinwardtii Biophytum reinwardtii

Reinwardt's Tree Plant is an annual herb which looks like a miniature tree. It is closely related to the Little Tree Plant. It is named for Caspar Reinwardt, 19th century Dutch naturalist and biologist It grows to only 6-12 cm tall, and has erect, hairy stem. Leaves are compound, 5-7 cm long, crowded near the base. Leaflets are oblong, 1 cm long, stalkless, 14-20 pairs. Yellow flowers arise in umbels of 3-7 flowers, at the top, carried on a 5-7 cm long stalk. Reinwardt's Tree Plant is found in India, Ceylon, S. China, Malaysia, and also in the Himalayas, from Garhwal to Nepal, at altitudes up to 1000 m.

This plant is used in the treatment of colic, dysentery, hemorrhoids, gonorrhoea, diabetes, dyspepsia, diseases related to the digestive system, pus, wounds, cobra venom, skin diseases, urinary stones, insomnia, gonorrhea, pyomaeha, etc. It is mentioned that Asafoetida has soothing, expectorant, expectorant, analgesic, purgative, and expectorant properties.

Boiled water containing Heinnidikumba plant cures skin diseases such as Nisiya, Karpan, etc. A decoction of dried whole plants is a treatment for high blood pressure. Decoction of these plant parts is very beneficial for infant dysentery. Heing Nidikumba is also used for dysentery and ease of urination. Asafoetida leaves can be cooked into a delicious curry.

Biophytum reinwardtii is part of the catalog of ayurvedic medicinal plants of Sri Lanka.

Biophytum reinwardtii Biophytum reinwardtii Biophytum reinwardtii

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