Eco Tourism

Eco Tourism Eco Tourism Eco Tourism

Enjoy Sri Lankan Eco Tourism which is a growing niche sector. It gives you the opportunity of enjoying multifaceted attractions such as the highest mountains, the longest sea beaches, the world’s greatest religions (Buddhism & Hinduism), magnificent civilization, glorious traditions, artistic monuments, incredible diversity of landscapes, climates, flora and fauna, unparalleled bio-diversity, topographical variations etc. Ours is the ultimate in diversity, beauty and culture, all combined with one of the best treasures of the world a warm, friendly and smiling people. When you choose an ecotourism resort, you choose to preserve the environment, culture and heritage and benefit local communities who are the key custodians of natural resources and play an active and critical role in conserving valuable biodiversity.

When you choose to travel this way, you are not part of mass tourism but part of up market niche tourism which specializes in small groups and in depth “ on the field” knowledge.

As part of your travel plans, you consciously choose to enjoy your holiday as a learning and enrichment experience whilst also:

* Minimally impacting on the environment.
* Learning about and respecting the local culture and environment.
* Obtaining positive experiences for all.
* Employing and benefitting local people.
* Learning about the local political, social and environmental issues.
* Ensuring that your spending contributes to the conservation of the area.
* Assisting in preserving a special habitat such as wildlife, farming, nature, water etc.
* Learning and taking back new ideas back to influence your own environment.
* Obtaining new unmatched experiences.
* Helping to benefit not only Sri Lanka but the world as well.
* Enjoy Ecotourism – the unmatched nature based personalized experience.

Eco Tourism Eco Tourism Eco Tourism

【LK94009552: Eco Tourism. Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】
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