Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.
Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.
Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.
Kolam Masker
Kolam er en anden „lavland“ tradition fra Sri Lankas sydkyst. Selvom det inkluderer elementer af ritual og endda trance, det kan klassificeres, imidlertid, som en form for folketeater. Et løst plot binder flere lagerfigurer og scener sammen. Selve spillet er normalt baseret på en buddhistisk Jataka-historie.
Karakterernes linjer kan synges af en nærliggende sanger, men de bliver undertiden også talt og endda sunget af skuespillerne selv. Kolams danseteknik er tydeligt relateret til en anden tradition med lavt land, sanni.
Man kan kun spekulere i kolams oprindelse. Traditionen selv giver legendariske forklaringer på dens fødsel. desuden, der er teorier om, at traditionen stammer fra gamle graviditetsritualer, mens dens mange dyrekarakterer tydeligt angiver dens rødder i det animistiske, animalske åndelige ritualer. Det ser ud til, at kolam er en sammensmeltning af arkaiske trossystemer, af buddhisme såvel som senere populærkultur, som afspejler samfundets struktur i forskellige faser af øens historie.
Kolam-forestillingen finder sted i en rund forestillingsarena omgivet af tre sider af publikum. Mindst to trommeslagere giver sin akkompagnement. Fortælleren eller ceremonimesteren styrer forestillingen og introducerer tegnene. Han taler også undertiden karakterernes linjer eller indgår i en dialog med dem. I tidligere tider, en kolam-forestilling varede en hel nat, men i dag fra to til tre timer.
Anabera kolama
This character is known as the panikkalaya or panikkirala.
Nonchi Akka Kolama
She is the wife of official drummer announcer.
Jasa Kolama
This character has become well known as Jeydi Vidane or Rada Kolama.
Arachchi Kolama
Comedy of village chief
Hewa Kolama
Comedy about a soldire
Lenchina kolama
The wife of Jasaya.
Mudali Kolama
High official comedy
Aththa Muththa Kolama
comedy of grandmother and grandfather
Kapiri Kolama
Negro comedy
Marakkala Kolama
Muslim comedy
Demala Kolama
Tamil comedy
Raja Kolama
Comedy of King and the Queen
Panchanarigathya Kolama
This mask is like the face of a beautiful woman. The upper portion resembles a crown.
Deva Giri Kolama
It is stated that this face resembles the full moon.
Ananga Bahirava Kolama
Bahirawa mask is the handsome face of a prince and on either side are faces of women.
Police Kolama
Police comedy