Kegalle City
Kegalle City is a scenic town in Sri Lanka, known for its rich natural beauty, rubber plantations, and cultural heritage. Located between Colombo and Kandy, it offers attractions like the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, picturesque waterfalls, and spice gardens. A perfect destination for nature lovers and cultural explorers.
Kegalle ligger midt mellem hovedmotorvejen Colombo-Kandy A1. Placeringen af Kegalle, hvor vestlige sletter giver plads til opstigningen til Kandy, porten til det centrale højland i Sri Lanka har resulteret i dejligt landskab.
Kegalle er et landbrugsdistrikt, hvor gummidyrkning spredte sig over et betydeligt område med mindre eksportafgrøder såsom kaffe, kakao, peber, nelliker og muskatnød også at gøre en betydelig indtager en vigtig plads i distriktets økonomi. Kegalle bidrager også med industrien: Bogala-minen er den mest produktive kilde til grafit i Sri Lanka.
Kegalle er hjemsted for Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage, der tiltrækker lokale og udenlandske turister i stort antal hele året.
Om Kegalle
Kegalle er en by i Sabaragamuwa-provinsen. Det ligger på vejen Colombo - Kandy og 48 miles/78 km væk fra Colombo og 24 Miles/40 km væk fra Kandy. Det er hovedstaden i Kegalle District, som er et af de to distrikter, der tilhører Sabaragamuwa-provinsen, den anden er Ratnapura District.
District of Kegalle, beliggende mellem det centrale højland og vestlige sydlige fly og har et fortryllende miljø. Højden af den vestlige region er mindre end 500 meter fra havets overflade, mens østlige region overstiger 1000 fod. Gummidyrkning har strakt sig over det meste af distriktets område og mindre eksportafgrøder såsom kaffe, kakao, peber, fed og muskatnød indtager en vigtig plads i økonomien i distriktet. Sri Lankas bedste grafitmine ligger ved Bogala i Kegalle District. Omfanget af distriktet er 1692,8 km2 (169,280 i hektar).
Om Sabaragamuwa-provinsen
Sabaragamuwa-provinsen i Sri Lanka indeholder to hovedbyer kaldet Ratnapura og Kegalle. I en højde af ca 500 meter over havets overflade, Ratnapura er provinshovedstaden Sabargamuwa. Det er 60 miles (100 km) fra den vigtigste kystby Colombo. Province of Sabaragamuwa Perle-minedrift centrum i Sri Lanka er også en vigtig vejkryds mellem sydlige sletter og bakkelandet mod øst.
I Sabaragamuwa-provinsen er der en rute til Sri Pada fra Ratnapura retning. Udflugter omfatter Sinharaja Forest Reserve og Udawalawe National Park. Ruten mod bakkeland er smuk. Det omkringliggende område er en populær vandredestination og et godt sted at se på fugle.
【Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】
About Kegalle District
Kegalle District, located in the Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka, is known for its lush landscapes and historical significance. The district is home to scenic hills, rubber plantations, and paddy fields, contributing to its rich agricultural economy. Kegalle is also famous for the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, a popular tourist attraction that provides care for rescued elephants.
The district has a diverse cultural and historical heritage, with ancient temples, colonial-era architecture, and traditional industries such as spice cultivation and handicrafts. Kegalle town serves as the administrative and commercial hub, offering essential services and transport links to major cities like Colombo and Kandy.
Nature lovers can explore the region’s waterfalls, caves, and forests, making it an ideal destination for eco-tourism. The district’s close proximity to major highways enhances accessibility, attracting both tourists and investors to this picturesque part of Sri Lanka.
About Sabaragamuwa Province
Sabaragamuwa Province, situated in southwestern Sri Lanka, comprises the districts of Ratnapura and Kegalle. It is renowned for its rich natural resources, including tea, rubber, and precious gemstones. Ratnapura, the capital, is famously known as the "City of Gems," playing a central role in the country's gem trade. The province also features vast agricultural lands, contributing significantly to Sri Lanka’s economy.
In addition to its economic importance, Sabaragamuwa is a region of great natural beauty and biodiversity. The Sinharaja Rainforest, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is partially located within the province, offering a sanctuary for rare flora and fauna. Waterfalls, mountains, and wildlife reserves make it a prime destination for eco-tourism and adventure seekers.
Culturally, Sabaragamuwa is home to numerous ancient temples, traditional dance forms, and historical sites. Its well-connected road network ensures easy access to major cities, enhancing trade, tourism, and regional development.